Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Final Study Guide free essay sample

Psychological tests a pertain only to overt behavior b always have right or wrong answers c do not attempt to measure traits d measure characteristics of human behavior 2 The specific stimulus on a test to which a person responds overtly is called a(n) a overt event b answer c item d scale 1 Jeremy lost his job very unexpectedly last year, and for a short while he was not as confident as usual This change in his level of confidence was representative of a trait b state c abnormal behavior d ability 4 An individual test a involves a single examiner for two or more subjects b involves only tests of human ability c can only be given to one person at a time d involves more than one examiner for a single subject 5 A group test a can be given to multiple people by one examiner b can only be given to three people at a time c involves a group of examiners for a single subject d involves only tests of human ability 6 Previous learning can best be described as a achievement b aptitude c intelligence d ability 7 The potential for learning a specific skill can best be described as a achievement b aptitude c intelligence d ability 8 Ones general potential, independent of prior learning, can best be described as a achievement b aptitude c intelligence d ability Final Exam Study Guide Psychological Test Measurement 2 9 Achievement, aptitude and intelligence can be encompassed by the term a human potential b human traits c human personality d human ability 10 Structured personality tests a require you to produce something spontaneously b require you to choose between two or more alternative responses c involve an ambiguous test stimulus d involve an ambiguous test response. The main purpose of psychological testing is to evaluate a covert behavior b individual differences c personality traits d overt behavior 12 Projective personality tests a provide a statement, usually of he self-report variety b require the subject to choose between two or more alternative responses such as true or false c are unstructured d are structured 13 Tests that measure an individuals typical behavior are called a ability tests b personality tests c intelligence tests d group tests 14 Tests that provide a statement, usually of the self-report variety, and require the subject to choose between two or more alternative responses, are called a group tests b individual tests c structured personality tests d projective personality.

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